Our industry was inspired by the prominent works of the science fiction authors of the XIX and XX century. From Jules Verne and G.H. Wells to Isaac Azimov and Philip K. Dick, these great authors defined our very dream of building myriads of worlds, where our lives are enhanced by the high-tech in every possible aspect.
Today, the richness of the options provided by the modern technology makes it increasingly complex and frustrating for the end users. Microsoft Metro Design Language-inspired Windows Phone 7 project was a first attempt to build first-class user experiences aimed at simplifying technology, focusing users on what truly matters. DARPA CALO and PAL, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon Alexa, and Yandex Alice made the next bold step into this direction, further uniting myriads of services under a seemingly simple to understand voice interface. Yet, with the AI assistants, we've barely scratched the surface of what's possible. As Sir Arthur Clark once said, any sufficiently developed technology will be indistinguishable from magic. At Zet Universe, Inc., we truly believe into Sir Arthur Clark's words, and we use our solid experience in context-aware computing, knowledge graph building, and AI assistants development, and use science fiction as inspiration to Build Magical (AI) Assistants. |
ProductsOur first product, Zet Universe, is a poster child in building smarter systems that can form a knowledge graph of its users. Our upcoming products will focus on helping people by further simplifying and automating their everyday lives through the AI assistant technology.
TechnologiesOur original Zet Universe platform provides a rich framework to integrate, process, and enrich incoming data into a powerful knowledge graph. By connecting the platform with the modern AI assistants, our technologies will enable life automation.
ServicesWe provide product management and cognitive computing architecture design consulting services to our customers in USA and Europe.