Hi everyone,
Since the release of 5686.35570 we've continued to make steady progress, and although we've been slowed down a bit with all the preparation of our talk on Augmented Intelligence for the RAICamp 2015, we're working to bring you builds each week. Build last week was BIG one for us as well, since new "Unified List & Search" experience was integrated into our flighting branch for the first time. This build, 5693.35720, is built on top of the solid foundation of the last week's one, and is introducing mostly a bunch of user experience improvements, as well as several bug fixes, and, well, new bugs.
We are really excited to tell you that since the beginning of the Insider Program we've got 199 feature requests and bug fixes thanks to your amazing and never ending feedback!
Since the release of 5686.35570 we've continued to make steady progress, and although we've been slowed down a bit with all the preparation of our talk on Augmented Intelligence for the RAICamp 2015, we're working to bring you builds each week. Build last week was BIG one for us as well, since new "Unified List & Search" experience was integrated into our flighting branch for the first time. This build, 5693.35720, is built on top of the solid foundation of the last week's one, and is introducing mostly a bunch of user experience improvements, as well as several bug fixes, and, well, new bugs.
We are really excited to tell you that since the beginning of the Insider Program we've got 199 feature requests and bug fixes thanks to your amazing and never ending feedback!
Getting Started:
- Just like last time, the newest build is available via the magic of Zet Universe Update system, powered by Squirrel for Windows. To get it, you can go to Settings --> Update, and click on "Check Now" button to get it now.
- Total download might range from a few hundred kilobytes up to 10MB, depending on the number of updates you've applied already to your copy of the Zet Universe Insider Preview.
- Once the build is downloaded, Zet Universe will begin the installation. Once it will finish, it will ask you to restart the app.
Improving Visual Tags experience: since the beginning Beta milestone we've added a new functionality called "visual tags" allowing you to add simple visual marks on top of the relevant items. For instance, you could mark entities as "Action Required", "Important", or "Done", as if they'd be the tasks for you. Based on what we've heard from you, the idea itself has been welcomed so far, but its actual implementation in the form of the bar on top of the item was considered a bit unnatural. Since 5693.35720, this is no longer a problem, and these bars transformed into familiar circles sitting in the top right corner of the item:
Another visual tag we've updated is "star", now called "like". Instead of having a "star" floating next to the item in the zoomable space, we've opted to put it to the right bottom corner, and transform it into the familiar "like":
We've also heard from you that sync experience is quite suboptimal and messy. In particular, when you add a considerably big item via Zet Universe, it might take time for Dropbox to upload it to the cloud. Until upload finishes, Zet Universe would show both "sync" icon and a progress bar with "Uploading" status name on top of it. First of all, this is a bit too much to tell you about the item's sync status. Second, until upload completes, you can't really see item's name, which is unacceptable. We've changed that, as well:
Improvements to Add Web Page experience: we've heard you loud and clear - you don't want to type in "http://" before entering the website's address. This is no longer necessary, Zet Universe will now accept a web site address string without "http://" in the beginning of it.
Improvements to full-text search: we've address your feature request to make search queries with "*" by default, so that, for instance, you can now make a search for part of string (e.g., "augmen" instead of "augmented"), and Zet Universe will return you all items that contain words beginning with what you've typed (e.g., all items containing words starting with "augmen").
Improvements to keyboard shortcuts: since this build the "Del" keyboard shortcut now works. In addition, we've implemented your request and added "Ctrl" + "Q" keyboard shortcut (straight from Outlook) to mark given items as read or unread!
UX performance improvements: zooming in and out in this build should be visibly faster than before. We've added an aggressive caching at the various zoom levels, which should result in a much better space navigation and zooming experience.
Navigation improvements: we've heard you that clicking on the visual cluster's name in the breadcrumb bar should change the current view to fit all items of this cluster, instead of centering the view on this cluster. This feature request is now implemented!
Major update of the Unified List & Search pane experience: in addition to the improved full-text search experience, we've changed date-time strings into the more human-readable form, and we've added grouping to both Lists ("By Date" and "By Name") and to Search results ("By Relevance", "By Date", "By Name"):
- You should be able now to add tags (e.g., colored tag, like, or change read/unread status) by doing this action only once.
- Zet Universe will now shutdown per your request (previously, if you asked it to download a few webpages, it would keep running until all webpages have been downloaded).
- Zet Universe now ignores all temporary .tmp files created by Office apps (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) and doesn't keep track of them as you work with Office documents (in the past, this aggressive tracking could lead to Zet Universe actually loosing the path to the actual Office document, with no way to open it via Zet Universe user interface).
- Zet Universe should now correctly show the area with only those entities that are pinned when you click on the project space name in the breadcrumb bar (clicking on the project space name in the breadcrumb bar is equivalent to the "Fit All" action).
- Zet Universe should now correctly re-connect after waking up if it had no internet connection before the computer went to sleep.
- Zet Universe should now open files with non-English characters in the file path on the PCs with Region set to "United States", and language page for non-Unicode apps set to "English (US)".
- Zet Universe still doesn't re-connect after waking up if it had no internet connection before the computer went to hibernation.
- In some cases, after selecting several things using the lasso selection, you can't select anything in this project space anymore. The workaround is to go up to "Projects" level and then re-open this project space again. Sorry for this bug!
We hope you'll agree that 5693.35720 has some nice and rather useful improvements and is another step forward towards delivering a great Zet Universe release. Please put it through the paces and keep sending us feedback on the things you like and the things you want us to keep working on using the Zet Universe UserVoice forum and our Facebook group. We hope that you'll enjoy this build and we can't wait to hear from you, our dear Zet Universe Insiders!
Daniel and the team
Daniel and the team